The perfect Church for imperfect people / La Iglesia perfecta para gente imperfecta
The perfect Church for imperfect people / La Iglesia perfecta para gente imperfecta
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06/27/24, the OSF and OSB, Companions of Jesus, Renewed their religious vows at the ORATORY OF CHRIST THE KING, Southport, England, United Kingdom.
The renewal of religious vows confirm, complement and perfects the Baptismal vows, enabling the Companion of Jesus to live in total commitment and faithful service to God alone.
Rev. M. Pamela, Rev. S. Ruth, Very Rev. Msgr. Michael+ and H.G. Most Rev. M
07/22/24 Ordinations to the Presbyterate and Diaconate, Diocese of the Good Shepperd at the Ecumenical Cathedral, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Rev. Dcn. Denis Cedric Ndendeng and Rev. Fr. Antoine Marie Nguini.
07/28/24 The Old Catholic Church Order of St. Benedict, Companions of Jesus, received the Profession of Temporary Vows from the SD. Eladio Bermúdez Guzmán, at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Sorrows, Colombia.
06/27/24 Rev. Campo E. Chavesorbegozo Ortiz, Ordained to the Subdiaconate and Rev. Diego A. Sanabria Fandiño and Rev. Eladio Bermudez Guzman to the Diaconate.
Following Orthodox Tradition, a Subdeacon is the highest of the minor orders and the Deacon is the third degree of the major orders of clergy, following the bishop and the presbyter.
06/23/24 Rev. Juan F. Angel de la Cuesta, HMSJA was Ordained to the Presbyterate, at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Sorrows, Colombia
TOCC teaches that the reality and effectiveness of the sacraments of the church, ministered by the presbyters, do not depend upon personal virtue, but upon the presence of Christ who acts in His church by the Sanctifying Grace of the Holy Spirit.
06/30/24 Rev. Fr. B Juan Fernando Angel de la Cuesta, HMSJA Celebrated his First Holy Mass, at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Sorrows, Colombia.
It is Christ, through his chosen ministers, who acts as teacher, good shepherd, forgiver, and healer. It is Christ remitting sins, and curing the physical, mental and spiritual ills of mankind. The priest is an icon of Christ.
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